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This page will eventually also provide technical and pedagogical guidance for faculty using the Educational Dataset Service to teach.

Make a dataset available to your entire class

Note: At present, uploading a dataset for your class will take a few working days.

To request a dataset be added to your Datahub/DSMLP account, you will need the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of that dataset.

  1. Browse the Educational Dataset Service to find a machine-learning-ready dataset that interests you. (Click "View Collection Items" to see the available datasets.)
  2. Click on the dataset of interest.
  3. In "Cite This Work" you will see a URL containing the DOI. For example, in "Cite This Work" section of the dataset Cars Overhead with Context, you'll see the URL
  4. Send email to Academic Computing Services that contains:
    1. A request to add a dataset to Datahub/DSMLP for use by your class
    2. Course you wish to add this dataset to
    3. Quarter in which it is being taught
    4. The URL with the DOI

The Academic Technology Services team will see your ticket and upload that dataset for use by your course then confirm to you.

Add a dataset to the collection

Have you created a dataset (either synthetic data, or data from your own research) that you use for instructional purposes? We'd love to add it to the Educational Dataset Collection so that it can be added to your classes on Datahub/DSMLP, found and used easily by students, or used other faculty in their courses.

Drop us a note and we'll schedule a consultation with you about bringing that dataset into the Library's Educational Dataset Collection.